Caffeine-infused design comics

Pablo Stanley
The Design Team
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


Here’s another collection of random comics related to design, office work, and the inability to sleep.

Daily Routine

Caffeine can be your best frenemy.

Innovative design reviews


Halloween with designers

Product Managers could make for great horror villains.

Power suit

Petunia is a professional thrift store hunter.

The chosen one

This is based in a real life true silicon valley tech story… I’m the bearded hipster.

An intervention.

Fresh, Whole, Prime, Go, Now!

Fund raising

This is already outdated, huh?


Gabi’s previous explorations included AI friendly robots, machine-learning chatbots, and fidget spinners. Seriously, this comic feels super old already!

Life advice

I just can’t cheat on cheese.
Puns and stereotypes. Yay!

The job interview

The “Design Wizard” interview didn’t go that well.

First day

Increase office productivity with motivational phrases on the wall!

A seat at the table

PRO TIP: Sit down, close your laptop, listen, and learn. Don’t give in to the urge to say something just to feel like you’re contributing. If it’s noise, then keep it to yourself. But if you have something valuable to add then SPEAK UP! You gained that seat for a reason — because you care deeply about the user; because you’re passionate about creating a fantastic experience; and because you can use your creativity superpowers to bridge the goals of the company and the customer. Own that seat! Oh, and by the way, you are the fucking shit. Seriously. Everybody in that room thinks you are. You just have to believe it yourself too.

Hola, amigos. I’m Pablo Stanley, designer/cofounder at Carbon Health.

I usually post these comics and other design-related stuff on Twitter. Follow me if you’re into that stuff:

Oh, I also have a YouTube channel with tons of design tutorials. And you can subscribe to get my spam.

Muchas gracias por leer.



Designer and cofounder at Musho, Folios, Lummi, Blush, bringing creative tools for everyone